Oh how I hate you gold sellers

I had this wonderful blog post ready to go about leveling an alt…and it has to be postponed. For another rant *sighs* This weekend the hub’s acct got hacked. Bliz is still looking into it. But given all his alts were stripped clean and his gold taken it doesn’t do much for the feeling of violation. (I do hope Bliz gets him his stuff back…soonish) Doesn’t help a deep scan of his comp came up with no problems and he got a clean bill of health. All our friends suspect a flash player hack.

The venom and hatred I feel for the people that did this is comparable only to the time my apt got broken into and ALL the gifts from the last 2 years the hub had given me went Poof. There is a paranoid feeling that even though it wasn’t my account that I need to be on and make sure no one else is. It is completely irrational, but there none the less.

As a result I have developed a hatred for…the people that buy gold. It almost makes me want Bliz to be more like City of Heroes where your character isn’t enhanced by gear you buy. No secondary market for gold there. Bliz can’t make a smooth transition away from gold however. Their (in game) economy is completely based on it. But I can dream can’t I?

I forsee authentecators in our future. For once I am going to urge you to go spend gold on something…get one. Just incase, because its a sick feeling having all your toons reduced to no gold and no gear.

Edit: So my brilliant plan to buy authenticators for my account and the hub’s has been thwarted by…them being sold out. I figured this long after release they would have a constant stock of them. Obviously I was wrong. Oddly this then makes me angry at Blizzard. I think I am just looking to stay mad. but…REALLY?!?!?!

Published in: on June 1, 2009 at 6:46 pm  Comments (2)  
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2 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. 😦

    Unfortunately it’s almost like computer viruses the anti virus software is always one step behind, and so is Blizz with hackers. Not their fault really, people who want to do bad, will.

    I can imagine it makes you wish you could just wash the account in the bathtub, clean again from the dirty feeling only a thief can give you by touching your personal belongings.

    • No kidding! I’d wash it with lye soap at that. *nods slowly* yep nothing burns like lye.

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