Life in the Geek Lane

The hub spent last week juggling rl dramas and cleaning/rearranging our entire house. He honestly deserves a medal for managing to get it all done, especially with the extreme distractions sent his way during the week. Now the house thing was going to get done anyways but a crunch time got given as WotC came to video tape our gaming group.

The three people that came were really peachy1 camera expert, 1 WotC marketing researcher, and 1 research interviewer. If I had to do it again I would jump at it full force. (not just because I think anyone in a hobby loves the idea of contributing to it) I got interviewed about being a dm as well. Like all interviews; it is over and now I am thinking of a zillion things I couldn’t stated better or mentioned etc. Still it was a great experience. (Although I felt horrible we don’t have AC and it was miserably hot all night)

And thinking of DMing, my Sat group tacked me down about the game I am planning out to run to them. They all know it is going to be set in Forgotten Realms (yes I am a fan girl, the first step is admitting it right?) I’ve convinced them to let me run a thematic campaign and so they all get to be…dragonborn starting at level 5. ( I never like starting at lvl 1 just eh to me)

The hub found me an awesome new online tool to track the game as well. Obsidian Portal I love the idea of it. I’ll be using it for this campaign to see how it works. Anything that makes my life easier when it comes to tracking information is a win in my book. Thought I’d share it with anyone else looking to start up a campaign soon.

So that is what has been going on in my little corner of RL this weekend.

Published in: on July 19, 2009 at 9:57 am  Comments (8)  
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8 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Video’d by WotC? What are you guys pro gamers or something?1? πŸ™‚

    • Yes…no not really πŸ˜‰ I think they are doing research on the way people dm and the tools they use. Fate was just really kind for us to get picked.

      Have you checked out the DnD site? I sifted through all of the 20 pages of shoe designs and voted on each one. I hope the shoes are comfy (they look like converse to me) Because I ❀ geek fashion. If you haven't checked it out pop over and take a look and vote. And while I don't play Magic I do like the design they picked for the winner. I like designs that require someone to be in the know. Lets me id others in my subculture more easily.

  2. Come on now!! If you have been gaming actively for 20 years or more or you are a multi-generational gamer (you and your kids play), you might as well be considdered profesional. Even if you haven’t gone to one singe GenCon or “Official” game in your life!

    If you take all your time spent gaming, add it up, and apply it to astro-pysics…..I dunno about you, but I would make Stephen Hawkings look like a rock! How about you?

    • @Dest hmm no 20 yrs here but I have been at it over 10 yrs and my stepdaughter and I play AND I got my mom to play dnd. (which she misses since I moved)

  3. DnD shoe designs? You’re not pro your obsessed πŸ™‚

    @Destandarius – Your prolly right. I’ve been playing DnD longer than any other hobby. I started in 1981… *feels old*

    • Bob…you started the year I was born πŸ˜‰

  4. *feels even older* πŸ˜‰

    • Ancient dragon old there Bob πŸ˜‰

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